Shipping to Australia
Shipping to Australia daily
Sending across the Tasman?
Pack & Send offers a range of air and sea freight services from New Zealand to Australia from passports and posting a parcel, right up to relocating household items and belongings…
Sending or Moving to Australia?
Move to Aussie or across the globe with Pack & Send
Living Bequests, Aged Care Relocation, Repatriation & Deceased Estate Sending
PACK & SEND service centres liaise with individuals, families, legal professionals and public trusts daily to assist with the local and international pick up and safe delivery of valuables, furniture & other items for Living Bequests, Home to Retirement Village moves, Repatriation and Deceased Estates.
Introducing Ocean Freight to the Door
Get it Overseas with Ocean Freight
Need to move bigger, bulkier items overseas that aren't time sensitive? Pack & Send is pleased to announce our Sea Freight to the Door service. This service is great for Excess Baggage, Student Moves or…