Passport and Document ‘Send & Return’ Courier Service

Passport almost expired?

Due to renew?

Need an urgent Visa?

PACK & SEND provides a unique ‘Send & Return’ courier service to consulates & embassies.

We can deliver your passport & important documents around New Zealand or overseas.

Send & Return passport service

Send your Visa and Immigration documents safely and securely with PACK & SEND


We are the ‘go to’ company to send and retrieve visa and immigration documentation from foreign Embassies and Consulates throughout the world with our “Send and Return” international courier service.

We regularly receive referrals from larger carriers many of which do not provide such a specific ‘there and back’ service.

“Our Send & Return international courier service allows our customer to send their visa and immigration documentation via our express courier service with full track and trace to the Embassy or Consulate. Then, when the documentation is ready to be picked up, we arrange for everything to come back” says Nathan Paul, Pack & Send’s National Group Manager.

Reliable ‘Send & Return’ Passport Courier Service

PACK & SEND is your go-to company for sending and retrieving passports, visa and immigration documentation from foreign embassies and consulates worldwide. Our “Send and Return” international courier service is specifically designed to provide a seamless ‘there and back’ solution, a service many larger carriers do not offer.

Unmatched Services and Capabilities

As part of a global network, PACK & SEND can accommodate a wider range of services than other courier or postal service providers. When you book our Passport Courier service, we navigate the complexities of arranging pickups in foreign countries, overcoming language barriers and time zone differences, ensuring your documents are returned as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Versatile Service Beyond Documents

Our service isn’t limited to documents. Individuals and businesses also use our Send & Return service for sending tenders, samples, artworks for exhibition, and IT equipment like laptops for updating or calibration. We ensure the safe sending and return of these items from overseas destinations. Many of our passport consignments go to Canberra, Australia, and back for our customers.

Contact Us for Your Courier Needs

To learn more about PACK & SEND’s international courier services, contact your local Service Centre. Discuss your “Send and Return” passport courier service requirements with one of our team members today.

Get a Quote Now!

Contact your nearest PACK & SEND store now on 0508 722 548.